Family :- A group of people united by certain convictions or a common affiliation
We support each other within the team, helping others when they need it and asking for support when we need it ourselves. We can confide in each other, our close relationships mean we can share without fear of prejudice or judgement, and we trust each other to be there when we need them.
Open :- Not closed or blocked
We are an open-minded team, open to changes in technology, changes in the way we do things, always striving to improve, We are open to new ideas and creative thinking, we are willing to give and receive positive feedback to each other for the benefit of individuals, the team as a whole and our customers.
Considerate :- Careful not to inconvenience or harm others
We take others into account when going about our daily work, we care how others feel and how we make them feel by our actions.
Unique :- Being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else
We are all different and we embrace that. Being unique is bringing your own personality, perspective and having your own thoughts and opinions, and it really matters to the success of the business. Having a diverse team that comes at problems from different perspectives means we can collectively create the best possible customer solutions.
Skilful :- Having or showing skill
The team collectively have an incredible skill level, each person individually brings something extra to that collective. We all seek to improve and extend our existing skills to become even better. Training is at the heart of our team and we don’t shy away from it because it seems difficult or daunting.
Equal :- A person or thing that is the same as another in status or quality
We don’t use power or position to influence others into doing what we want. We listen to others’ ideas, thoughts and experience to allow us to make good decisions that are born out of collaboration and knowledge regardless of status. The work done by one individual is just as important as the work done by others.
Dedicated :- Devoted to a task or purpose
We are all dedicated to the work we do. We want the highest quality solution delivering to the highest standards. Safety and security are paramount to the work we carry out and that only comes from dedicated people who don’t settle for just good enough. We are critical of our own work and won’t let something go if it’s not right.