It has never been as important to understand your cyber risks and how to effectively manage them.

Tekgem carried out a physical industrial cyber security assessment and discovered a 4G router connected directly to a control system that we didn’t know about, completely bypassing our existing security mechanisms.
The device was quickly removed and the issue resolved but it demonstrated the value of on-site assessments.
The device was quickly removed and the issue resolved but it demonstrated the value of on-site assessments.
We have worked with Tekgem since 2018 going through their 6 stage process. We now have mature governance, countermeasures and defence-in-depth in place to ensure we meet our regulatory requirements.
We are able to demonstrate our cyber resilience, ensuring our essential services can continue to operate.
We are able to demonstrate our cyber resilience, ensuring our essential services can continue to operate.
Tekgem successfully carried out a firewall project to securely segregate different control systems and plant areas, as well as the introduction of a new manufacturing DMZ zone to connect into our IT network.
Our industrial networks are now secured, monitored and fully managed by their managed security service.
Our industrial networks are now secured, monitored and fully managed by their managed security service.